Eastview UPDATES

August 26, 2026

Dear Eastview Families,

We look forward to welcoming our Eastview families and students back to school on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024.  We are excited to share that we have many returning and new students to our school community. I am excited to join the Eastview community as the new principal and look forward to getting to know you and your children. I’m eager to build strong relationships and work together to support our students' growth and success.

Morning Entry

Supervision begins at 8:40 am and school starts at 8:55 am.  Grade 1 to 8 students will meet their teachers at the back of the school on the blacktop.  On the first day of school, teachers will be outside before school with signs indicating their class.  Students will be asked to meet their teacher and line up with their teacher.  This will ensure an organized entry into the school.  

Kindergarten students will meet their teachers in the fenced in kindergarten area.  

We will have extra staff available outside with class lists to help students find their classes.  

Medications and Plans of Care

As we start a new school year we are in the process of updating our medical files for our students who require medication at school (including epipen, inhaler etc.).  Students who have epipens must carry it on their body.  We also ask that a second one is sent in to store in the office.  Please make sure that you contact Mr. Pryce in order to complete any Plans of Care. prycem@hdsb.ca

Class Placements

Class placements will be emailed home on the evening of Friday, August 30th.  At this time, class placements are tentative.  We ask for your patience as we continue to welcome new students daily.  At this time, we will not be moving student classes.  Students will be supported to maintain those friendships that they have established, while also making new friends. We are also adding additional staff to our team and we look forward to establishing positive learning environments for all.      

Lunch Routines

Students eat in their classrooms.  They will be supervised by Lunchroom Supervisors and Teachers.  Our two nutrition breaks are from 10:35-11:15 am and 12:55-1:35 pm.  During inclement weather days, students will remain in their classrooms with a quiet activity.  We encourage students to stay at school for lunch, where supervision is provided.  Any students leaving the property will need to be signed out by a parent/guardian.

Bus Transportation

Students are only permitted to ride the bus that they have been assigned to.  If your child is eligible for bussing but does not require a bus please contact Halton Transportation so that they can make that seat available to others. If your circumstances change and your child requires a bus later in the year, a seat can be re-assigned by contacting Halton Transportation.  

To log into your account for delays and cancellations, or your bus route, please go to: https://geoquery.haltonbus.ca/

If you do not wish to have your child ride the bus, please let your child’s teacher know.  

Classroom Teachers

We encourage you to connect with your child’s classroom teacher.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. We value your partnership!  

End of the Day

At 3:15 pm students will be dismissed.  Bus students will exit through door 19 (near the flag pole), gr. 1-8 will exit at the back of the school and Kindergarten students will exit from the fenced-in area. 

Multi Faith Calendar

In order to keep our families connected with days of significance and events happening in the HDSB please have a look at the HDSB’s Multi Faith calendar.  As always, please contact your child’s teacher to discuss learning opportunities and events that are taking place in the classroom.  

With the new school year around the corner, check out the HDSB's tips for getting ready for school: https://hdsb.ca/parents/Pages/Welcome-to-New-School-Year.aspx 

We look forward to a fantastic year with our Eastview school community. 


Shelley Michaluk & Michael Pryce

Principal  / Vice-Principal